My name is Jim Talbott. While I had what most would consider to be a very successful offline business, I am currently interested in and working towards creating an online presence.

This site is my personal journal where I share my experiences, recommendations, advice and my personal progress journey.
Copywriting, in the most general sense, is a word that refers to writing that is promotional in purpose. Usually, but not always, it is sales oriented. Copywriting can also be informational, or descriptive. Copywriter refers to the person who creates Continue Reading
All copywriting whether it is for webpage content describing a company, service, or item, an article explaining the need for such an item or service, or an email or snail mail sales letter, must be motivating. Not all copy requires Continue Reading
by Yanik Silver (02/20/2009) Sales copy can make or break your marketing campaign. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that it is as strong and persuasive as possible. The first step, of course, is to get the first draft Continue Reading
As in any profession it is necessary to establish a good foundation for your copywriting basics before you will have much success. First off you want to be you. I don't know about you but I have a degree in Continue Reading
It's a known fact that purchases are most often precipitated by some emotion. Most everyone who places a purchase is motivated by an emotional response to either fill a need or desire or to avoid some pain or unpleasantness. There Continue Reading
Increasing your credibility in your copywriting is the number one way to improve your ability to improve your ability to sell your product or service. Not until your readers know who you are or what it is that you have Continue Reading
When writing good copy it is essential to address either a need that the customer has or the desire they have to end some pain in their lives. Then, you want to connect with them in such a way that Continue Reading
To attempt good copy without having some insight about who, what, where, and why is asking for trouble. If you don’t have a really good idea about what your audience is interested then your attempts to create good copy will Continue Reading
In this lesson we will explore the investigation process. Many a copywriter attempts to write copy off the top of their head and not attend to many facts and facets in the real world that may make all the difference Continue Reading