Here are a couple of interesting learning techniques or tips that are used by newer and older copywriters alike. The first trick is to identify sales letters that spark an interest or an emotional response and thus are income producing. Take the letter of your choice and first copy it in your own handwriting, line Continue Reading
You’ve heard the saying that first impressions are everything? Well, the headline of your copy is certainly no exception. You only have a few seconds to make a great first impression. A great headline creates an emotional charge and ultimately answers the question: What’s in it for me? The very first thing you want to Continue Reading
The other day I was asked to put a landing page (also known as a squeeze page) together for a cosmetics company. The owners of the web page gave me only minimal information about what it is that they wanted in the way of a viable landing page. It turns out that the intention for Continue Reading
When approaching a copywriting project we oftentimes focus on the “buzz” words or the “action” words in order to influence the prospect’s brain to switch gears, and move into the buying mode. We may also use exciting, descriptive phrases to get the prospect into that mode as well. Some copywriters may use whatever literary devices Continue Reading
Whether reading literature, news reports, or advertisements, everyone has had those moments of reading an unexpectedly powerful passage that moved us deeply and emotionally by causing shivers down the spine, lumps in the throat, or a swooning heart. Writing copy that aims for the heart, or the emotional response, is the number one way to Continue Reading